Thanks to streamlined regulations and political stability, Aruba has one of the best business climates in the Caribbean. As a self-governing part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the island of Aruba offers expanding companies the efficiency of the Dutch legal system.

In addition, its developing e-Government is committed to easing the bureaucracy of business processing, permitting and licensure.


  • #1 Investment Climate in the Caribbean [Economic Bureau Amsterdam, 2021-2023]
  • One of the World’s Best Places for Remote Work [Big 7 Travel, 2021]
  • 97% of Aruban Businesses are Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
  • 4,000 SMEs in Aruba

Small businesses are a top contributor to Aruba’s economy

Aruba’s strong democratic system, backed by the Supreme Court in The Hague, The Netherlands, creates a supportive environment for entrepreneurs on the island and allows them to innovate sustainably. 4,000+ small and medium-sized enterprises do business in Aruba, accounting for 52% of the employment in the private sector. The Government of Aruba promotes collaboration between businesses and the University of Aruba for R&D and skill development in key sectors of the economy.


The quick start guide for companies

Our objective as the Aruba Investment Agency (ARINA) is to make it easy for investors to establish their companies in Aruba. We work closely with our strategic partners to facilitate this process for you, providing information, assistance, and advice. Visit our About ARINA page for more information.

IDEA is a business development agency that offers guidance to entrepreneurs and businesses free of charge, including all aspects of business planning, permitting and licensure, and commerce with foreign nations.


Business goes further in Aruba

As part of the Dutch Kingdom, Aruban businesses enjoy investment protection agreements (IPAs) or comparable treaties with 95+ countries. Exported goods from businesses in Aruba can be free of import duty to the EU. The island is also a beneficiary of the Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act, allowing businesses to derive trade benefits for eligible exports into the U.S. market.

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